Proposed Board & Governance

Proposed Board & Governance

Strong and predictable governance of the OTB-BISD will be provided through the following:

  • Established and functions in compliance with the law (Code of Virginia Section 15.2-2400);
  • A well-defined mission statement;
  • A well-defined scope of services, with a target annual budget for each service, all corresponding to a predictable and consistent source of annual funding;
  • Old Town Business, a registered 501(c)(6) organization (non-profit), will transition to become the entity whose sole function shall be the management of the OTB-BISD;
  • The OTB-BISD shall be:
    • Led by an experienced and locally knowledgeable executive team;
    • Bound by articles of incorporation and legally established by-laws;
    • Overseen by a thirteen-to-fifteen member board of directors made up of key stakeholders;
      • Board members to represent business operators located within the OTB-BISD and owners of property within the BISD, and will include either one or two appointees by the City;
      • All initial board members shall be approved by City Council;
      • Future board members shall be recommended by a nominating committee (of existing board members) and shall be approved by the board;
      • The board will also include two additional non-voting members appointed by Visit Alexandria and Alexandria Economic Development Partnership, respectively;
      • The board will also include two additional non-voting members representing residents within or near the OTB-BISD boundaries;
      • The board expects to utilize advisory groups that represent the diversity of business types, locations and demographics of the OTB-BISD;
      • Board meetings will be open to the public and will include the opportunity for public input.

Additional constraints on the operations of the OTB-BISD will include: (i) a not to exceed annual tax rate limit (see rate above), (ii) annual City Council approval of the BISD’s service plan and budget; and (iii) a formal, legally binding procedure for a supermajority (support from owners of sixty percent of the parcels paying the OTB-BISD tax) to dissolve the OTB-BISD.

The following individuals are a preliminary list of proposed Board members, who have each indicated a willingness to serve.  They represent a diversity of business types, locations, and owners.  At least 60% of the proposed board is composed of property owners.  As is stated above, the initial Board of Directors will be approved by City Council.

Voting Members

Phil Blane


Lorien Hotel & Spa

Parks Brown

Retail & Office Property Owner

Asana Partners

Kathy Dalby



Austin Flajser

Hotel/Office Property Owner

The Carr Companies

Simmi Kaur

Retail/Office Property Owner

Route 66 Ventures

Trae Lamond



Jason Longellow

Art Gallery

Kyo Gallery

Ian McGrath

Retail Property Owner

Alexandria Realty

Nikita Montgomery

Personal Services

Hazel O Salon

Jay Quander


1799 Prime

Amy Rutherford


Red Barn Mercantile Penny Post

Scott Shaw


Alexandria Restaurant Partners


1 to 2 seats

City of Alexandria

Non-voting Members

Tom Kaiden

Visit Alexandria

Christina Mindrup




