

Events, Including Marketing of Such Events to the DC Metro area

Currently, Old Town Business manages and leverages partnerships on more than 20 events.  Some of these events include the Walkable Warehouse Sale, Oyster Week, Cookie Crawl, Trick or Treat, Sidewalk Sale, Small Business Saturday, Cocktail Week, and Spring2ACTion.

OTB-BISD plans to continue with these and gradually add more similar sized events.  In addition, it will aim to build four signature events per year that are grander in scale and incorporate the varied business sectors in town.

Some ideas that have been considered are increasing the size and scope of Cocktail Week, a spring flower festival similar to those in New York and London, an event geared toward families with young children, and even a Christmas market in December.

OTB-BISD will not take on events that others in the OTB-BISD are currently doing.  However, we may leverage those partnerships in a way that benefits all.

Other Marketing, Place-making Efforts, and Communications

Old Town Business plans to develop and deploy a unified and welcoming brand for the OTB-BISD.  Using a robust and comprehensive website, strategic communications, regional advertising, and social media platforms OTB-BISD expects to target those folks who live, work, and play in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Northern Virginia.

It will not be responsible for marketing outside the region.  However, any content created can be used by our partners for destination marketing.

In addition, Old Town Business plans to employ placemaking tactics like banners, wayfinding, and outdoor programming.  Anything done would augment current efforts by the City.

Ambassador Program

Old Town Business aims to build a team of Ambassadors who would be highly trained to serve as the customer service front lines of the OTB-BISD.  Their chief duties could include guiding people to their destinations, promoting the many businesses in the OTB-BISD, cleaning up debris on the streets, and identifying and reporting to the City any safety and maintenance issues like loose bricks and lamp outages.

Business Support Programs

Owning a business has many challenges and Old Town Business aims to meet them head on.  We envision programs such as new business mentorship and regular networking opportunities; Negotiations for shared services like parking for employees and removing snow from the sidewalks; Partnerships with other organizations who are currently focused on workforce development to create a pipeline of employees for businesses in the OTB-BISD; And, dissemination of important communications from the City and our partner organizations.


Old Town Business aims to serve as one central voice for the OTB-BISD’s business community.  We will represent the interests of the businesses within the BISD to inform policies that affect them.  Other advocacy efforts could include serving as a representative on boards and commissions, liaising with City departments such as Police, Fire, and Health, and partnering with non-profits to improve the wellbeing of those affected by the OTB-BISD.

Past advocacy successes include the closing of the 100 block of King Street, increased sidewalk dining, and extended a-frame signage program.

Estimated Budget for Services:
  1. Events
  2. Other marketing
  3. Ambassador program
  4.  Business support programs
  5. Advocacy (in Administrative below)

Contingency Reserves


$ 240,000
$ 175,000
$ 192,000
$ 80,000

$ 75,000
$ 235,000

$ 997,000