Sign the Petition

Sign the Petition

Property Owners

If you are an owner of a parcel in the  OTB-BISD and would like to sign the petition, please follow the steps below.

A successful petition effort is required by City Council to establish the Old Town Business – Business Improvement Service District, so please execute the petition by March 3rd, 2023 if you support OTP-BISD.

Step 1:

Review the petition below, including the information fields that you will be required to enter (address, name of owner of the parcel, and title of signer if applicable).


Step 2:

Sign the petition.


Non-Property Owners

If you support the OTB-BISD but do not own property that will be subject to the OTB-BISD tax, please click below to register your support. All supporters, including those who operate a business in the OTB-BISD or nearby, work for a business located within the OTB-BISD or nearby, reside in or near the OTB-BISD, or shop or play in Old Town, are encouraged to register your support by clicking below.

Register your Support.